AMM Automated Market Maker. A feature of decentralized exchanges that use algorithms to automate trading prices between sellers and buyers
APR The returns (or costs) on an investment (or lending), including all provider/agent fees, for one year, expressed in percentage.
APY The returns (or costs) on an investment (or lending), including all provider/agent fees, for one year, expressed in percentage. taking into account compounding interests. As the capital lent or borrowed adjusts across time as the % of the initial capital adjusts as interests is harvested or capital paid back
Claim Refund The two tranches of every product must be of equal value in order to invest in the pool. The surplus of tokens in the larger tranche is an excess and should be claimed back by users. Think of this as a refund.
Farming (Yield) Farming: The mechanism of staking or lending crypto assets to generate returns or rewards in the form of additional tokens. This typically comes with a locked term and generates additional rewards to incentivize liquidity providers to lock investments for a period of time.
Hurdle Rate A hurdle rate is the minimum rate of return on a project or investment required by a manager or investor.
LP Liquidity Pool, a collection of digital assets accumulated to enable trading on a decentralized exchange
Maturity Date The maturity date refers to the moment in time when the principal of a fixed income instrument must be repaid to an investor.
Smart contract A smart contract is a computer program or a transaction protocol that is intended to automatically execute, control or document legally relevant events and actions according to the terms of a contract or an agreement.
Status: Invested The time period when the tranches are invested in the pool. After the tranches are removed from the pool, users may withdraw.
Status: Open The time period between when deposits open and deposits close. After deposits close, the tranches are invested into the pool.
Status: Withdrawn The time period after the tranches have been removed from the pool and users may withdraw their investment. This is the final and permanent state of the product.
Tranches Struct platforms use tranches to split the yield-bearing positions on fixed yield tranche and variable yield tranche
Vaults Struct vaults are composed of two tranches (side). The fixed rate tranche and the variable rate tranche.
Yield-Bearing Position Any position that generates a yield. This could be a liquidity provider position that accrues fees from swaps, lending to borrowers on a lending platform, and so on.